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Advocating for Our Rights as Members
The Faculty Staff Union Exists to Promote Better Working Conditions and Protect the Wages and Rights of Our Members
Faculty Staff Union, UMass Boston
UMass Boston- Harbor Point
Speak Out Against Proposed Take-Backs!
FSU, CSU, and PSU members at the Chancellor's Office demanding that UMass pay the raises agreed to in bargaining
The Faculty Staff Union of UMass-Boston
Representing Faculty Members and Librarians at UMass Boston Since 1976.

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston Quinn/2/81A 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston MA 02125 617-287-6295 | 

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston

Welcome to the FSU Site. Here you will find important information about our union, including the contract, a list of officers and  Executive Committee members, the FSU office telephone number and our address. You will also find information about current issues.   Please be sure to check the site regularly for the most recent issues facing our unit. We also have provided links to related sites that   you may find useful for union issues and for professional activities.

Caroline Coscia, President


REMINDER: Nomination Period for FSU Spring 2023 Elections Extended Until Monday February 27th


Dear Colleagues, 

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  

The positions up for election or re-election in Spring 2023 include: 

Vice President

Non-Tenure Track (2 positions)

Pre-Tenure (1 position)

Tenured (2 positions)  

Higher Ed for All: How does this impact you?


Dear Members,  

We write with information on a campaign from MTA’s Higher Education for All and ask you to join us on Tuesday, February 28th at the State House to make legislators aware of the needs and our demands for public higher education.   

Higher Ed for All Campaign

Campus Center Garage - Update


Dear Members, 

We write to update you on the Campus Center garage closure. 

The campus community was informed of the fire protection system issue and subsequent closure in a February 5th email from Kathleen Kirleis.

On February 13th the FSU replied to her seeking an update on when the garage will re-open. We also sought, if the closing is to be extended, assistance for those who have HP placards and even those who arrive before sunrise. 

Nomination Period for FSU Spring 2023 Elections Extended Until Monday February 27th


Dear Colleagues, 

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  

The positions up for election or re-election in Spring 2023 include: 

Vice President

Non-Tenure Track (2 positions)

Pre-Tenure (1 position)

Tenured (2 positions)  

Nomination Period for FSU Spring 2023 Elections Extended Until Monday February 27th


Dear Colleagues, 

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  

The positions up for election or re-election in Spring 2023 include: 

Vice President

Non-Tenure Track (2 positions)

Pre-Tenure (1 position)

Tenured (2 positions)  

Temple University Grad Strike


Dear Member,

FSU Nuts & Bolts: RES Funds


Dear Members, 

We all receive emails reminding us of an upcoming deadline.  We read it and then say to ourselves – oh, yeah, I need to do that before the deadline. Sometimes we do meet the deadline and other times grading, advising, committee work, and family life causes us to miss the deadline. 

This issue of Nuts & Bolts is a reminder to submit your RES funds.  But first..

Help us push for a larger pay raise! 

FSU Executive Committee Meeting TODAY Friday, 2/10, 3:00-4:30


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Executive Committee is meeting TODAY Friday, February 10th 3:00PM - 4:30PM.

These meetings are open to all members.   

The meeting today will be only on Zoom.  (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information).

In today’s meeting, we will be discussing the FSU Annual Meeting, FSU budget planning, heating issues in the Healey Library, and more. 

We hope to see you later today. 

FSU Executive Committee Meeting TODAY Tuesday, 1/31, 3:30-5:00


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Executive Committee is meeting TODAY Tuesday, January 31st 3:30PM - 5:00PM.

These meetings are open to all members.   

The meeting today will be only on Zoom (future meetings will be hybrid).  (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information).


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