Dear Members,
This issue’s first item is a benefit important to all union members. Please take time to read and watch for additional information coming this week.
UPDATE: Medical Leave and Third-Party Vendor
The February 26th issue of Nuts & Bolts informed you that the University entered into an agreement to use a third-party vendor for the processing and management of medical leaves. On February 29th, FSU along with CSU and PSU representatives met with Labor Relations. We raised many questions and concerns, and a follow up meeting is scheduled for March 22nd to receive answers. These include privacy associated with sending your medical records outside your employer, the need for the employee to manage your own leave through the vendor’s app or calling a call center, and that the firm determines your eligibility for leave.
Shortly after the February 29th meeting, we learned that this is not just a UMB change but a system wide change impacting all campuses. It seems that the University President’s office has already signed a contract. The vendor is FMLASource, a division of ComPsych. The University system already uses ComPsych for employee webinars. The Compsych website describes FMLASource as an absence management program.
The FSU is in coalition with our UMB sister unions and with unions from the other three campuses. We are working collectively to make sure your rights are protected.
In the next couple of days, we will be emailing you with details including our actions, next steps and asking you to join the UMass unions.
FSU Annual Meeting, April 23rd 3:00 – 5:00PM
This is the official call for new business items for the April 23rd annual meeting.
Our policies (see below) require notification no later than March 24th. The deadline for submittal is April 2nd at 5PM EDT via email to fsu@umb.edu .
Policy: The notification shall call for new business agenda items which must be submitted no less than 21 days prior to the meeting. 1. All new business items are to be submitted in the form of a motion. 2. All new business items are to be submitted to the President and FSU Executive Committee via the FSU email account.
Note: To attend the annual meeting, you must be a dues paying member.
Anti-Racism Grant Recipient Events
This week there are three events being held by recipients of the FSU Anti Racism grant program.
Tuesday, March 19th 11:00AM -1:30PM Imagining an Anti-Racist and Health Promoting Campus Culture: An Interactive Student-Centered program. The room location is ISC 4-300. See the attached flyer for event details.
Thursday, March 21st 3:00PM-4:00PM Race, Ethnicity, and Literature (REL) Reading Group, Jerry Craft’s New Kid. (flyer attached)
The discussion will be Jerry Craft's New Kid, an award-winning graphic novel which follows an art-loving student who transfers to an elite private school where he is one of the only students of color. New Kid is the winner of the Coretta Scott King Award and is the first graphic novel to win the Newbury award. Students who register will receive a free copy of the book. Please spread the word among your students and consider offering them extra credit for attending! The event location is Wheatley, 6th Floor, Room 47.
Thursday, March 21st 4:30-6:30PM Sankofa Conversation on Structural Racism for the Times. The room location is ISC 3-300. Flyer attached
Social Security and State Retirement Plan
Prior to UMB, did you work where you paid into social security? We ask because when you retire and receive benefits from the state retirement system, your social security benefits may be reduced. The Windfall Elimination Provision, enacted under President Reagan, lays out who may be reduced.
The Massachusetts Retirement Association is working to reverse this provision by supporting the Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82 . If you are interested in learning more, please contact the FSU as a representative of the association is willing to hold a forum for members.
MTA Annual Meeting of Delegates, April 26th & 27th, virtual option available
What happens at the annual meeting? Delegates vote on a budget (annual operating budget and the separate PR/Organizing budget), candidates for President and Vice President, and proposed bylaw changes. In addition, you will hear from MTA leadership on activities of the past year and planned activities for the upcoming year. We are the union which allows members to rise and ask questions and/or make comments on agenda items.
Each local organization is assigned the number of delegates based on their membership. The FSU’s allotment is thirteen (13). If you are interested in attending, please contact us. The FSU registers each delegate. You must be a dues paying member to be an FSU delegate.
For details go to https://www.massteacher.org/events-and-conferences/annual-meeting-of-delegates
Caroline Coscia
FSU President
Senior Lecturer II
Political Science Department