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FSU Update: MTA workplace survey, state pensions and Social Security, transportation survey, and MTA Summer Conference


Dear Members,

Before you go into full period of non-responsibility mode, we share a request from MTA to complete a workplace survey.  In addition, a recent Boston Globe article provides a good explanation of what happens to retirees on state pensions when you also qualify to receive Social Security.  

Our Raises Have Been Funded!


Dear Members,

What a glorious morning it is.   

Governor Healey signed the supplemental budget! Our raises have been adopted.

Yesterday afternoon, the House  and Senate passed the supplemental budget.  At 5pm the governor signed it into law.

Nuts & Bolts: Raise update, International faculty, NTT promotions


Dear Members, 

Close yet so far away……..

Thursday afternoon the Legislature’s conference committee came to an agreement on the supplemental budget, specifically on shelter funding.  The news reports seemed to indicate all was set and our raises are on the way.  That is incorrect.

Brief update on our raises


Raise Update:  The Legislature's conference committee has come to an agreement (H4204) on the supplemental budget. This means both the House and Senate need to vote on H4204.  At the time of this email, both are scheduled to go into informal session at 11AM today.   We will send you an update once any action takes place. 


Caroline Coscia                             Sana Haroon

Senior Lecturer II                          Professor

Political Science Department        History Department


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