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Bargaining Update and Action – Join us Thursday


Dear FSU Members,

Welcome back. Unfortunately, we wish we had better news to start the semester. The administration continues to undermine and obstruct the contract negotiations for all the UMass Boston unions.   Details below, but please join members from all the campus unions at the Fall Convocation this Thursday morning to hand out flyers to request fair and immediate bargaining– 10:30 am right outside the Campus Center Ballroom.

Important Information: New Title IX Regulations effective August 1st


Dear Member,

We write to inform you of important changes to the current Title IX regulations.  These changes, when implemented, will impact each one of us.  We ask that you take a few minutes to read this communication and the attachments.

The United States Department of Education has been working on new Title IX regulations.  The regulations have been released and they are effective August 1, 2024**

REMINDER: FSU Transportation Survey


Dear Member,

The FSU in coalition with the Classified Staff Union and the Professional Staff Union are currently engaged with administration in transportation bargaining. To assist us we ask that you complete a brief transportation survey (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for survey information).

The survey seeks feedback on how you currently get to campus and what, if any, factor(s) might shift your modality.

FSU Transportation Survey


Dear Member,

The FSU in coalition with the Classified Staff Union and the Professional Staff Union are currently engaged with administration in transportation bargaining. To assist us we ask that you complete a brief transportation survey (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for survey information).

The survey seeks feedback on how you currently get to campus and what, if any, factor(s) might shift your modality.


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