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Higher Education

REMINDER: Impacts of Federal actions on higher education- join an FSU lunchtime conversation TODAY March 25 12-1:30 in UDC Campus Center 2nd floor


Dear Colleague,

Join colleagues TODAY to discuss the impacts of federal actions on higher education and what we can do to push back.  Pizza and cookies provided. 

FSU lunchtime conversations Spring 2025

Campus Center, 2nd Floor, former University Dining Club 12-1.30 pm

Tuesday March 25

Wednesday April 2

Tuesday April 8

Wednesday April 16

Tuesday April 22

Wednesday April 30

Tuesday May 6

Wednesday May 14


Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, Voting begins March 24th, FSU Annual Meeting New Business Items, FSU swag, Phased Retirement, MTA Annual Meeting of Delegates, teaching back-to-back classes? and NEA Benefits


FSU Calendar March 24th to 28th       

FSU Elections: Voting opens 9AM March 24th

Voting for your Vice President and members of the Executive Committee opens at 9AM today and concludes on March 31st. See below for ballot details.

Tuesday, March 25th 12:00-1:00PM FSU lunchtime conversations: They are coming for us – what are we going to do?

The Point: They Are All Our Students


This week’s Point was written by Jeff Melnick, Professor of American Studies and former FSU VP

Greetings, Colleagues:

Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, FSU Annual Meeting, Know Your Rights, US Dept of Education dismantling, MTA Annual Meeting of Delegates and MTA Benefits


FSU Calendar March 10th to 14th       

March 12th 12:00-1:00PM FSU lunchtime conversations: Collective Bargaining

Join colleagues on Wednesday, March 12th, 12.00-1.00 in the University Dining Club, CC 2nd floor to hear about bargaining and how our collective bargaining agreement covers such items as academic freedom, workload and financial benefits.

Contract Bargaining Session, Wednesday, March 12th from 9:45AM to 11:45AM 

The Point: Universities Are Caving to Trump – Employees Must Fight Back


This week’s Point is written by Steve Striffler, a professor in Labor Studies.

The fact that universities are under a broad attack from the Trump administration is abundantly clear.  And, although the jury is still out, it is becoming impossible to ignore that university administrations are thus far unwilling to put up much of a fight.   Most are remaining eerily quiet, no doubt fearful that speaking out will put a target on their institution’s back. 


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