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Update From The FSU Grievance Committee


Dear Colleague,

Nuts & Bolts: May 7th and 8th drop in breaks, NTT promotion intent, an anti-racism event, and tell your legislator to repeal the WEP


Dear Members,

The end of April signals the semester end is near.  We are on the homestretch (Kentucky Derby is May 4th) yet sometimes the finish line seems so far away!  

Save the Date! May 7th and May 8th

Join the FSU for a little nosh, chat with colleagues and spend some time gathering with others.  We are hosting two drop by and take a break events.  Both are 12PM to 2PM on Tuesday, May 7th and Wednesday, May 8th.

Watch for a flyer with more details.

Nuts & Bolts: FSU Annual Meeting, Online Course Development, Labor Based Grading, MTA candidate forum and thinking about retiring


Dear Members,

It is finally here- the eclipse is just hours away.  If you are on campus the partial eclipse begins at 2:16PM with peak occurring at 3:29PM. It ends at 4:39PM.  I am ready with my solar glasses.   

FSU Annual Meeting, April 23rd at 3pm

Our annual meeting is two weeks away!   Please join to us hear what your union has been doing, the status of activities (bargaining, parking bargaining, and coalition work), and adopting a budget for the next year.


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