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Political Action

FSU Update: MTA workplace survey, state pensions and Social Security, transportation survey, and MTA Summer Conference


Dear Members,

Before you go into full period of non-responsibility mode, we share a request from MTA to complete a workplace survey.  In addition, a recent Boston Globe article provides a good explanation of what happens to retirees on state pensions when you also qualify to receive Social Security.  

The Point: The Labor Movement’s War


This week’s Point was written by Suha Ballout, who is an Associate Professor in the Manning College of Nursing and Health Sciences

The Point: Encampments: UAW, Homeless, Students


This week’s Point was written by Professor Steve Striffler of Labor Studies.

The past two weeks have been filled with contradictions that reflect not only the polarized nature of our political system, but powerful political currents moving in seemingly different directions. 

Nuts & Bolts: Medical leave update, gender designations, back-to-back classes, anti-racism grant events, Cherish Act support, MTA annual meeting and a save the date


Dear Members,

This issue is longer than usual. It is so because we have lots of information to share.  

UPDATE: Medical Leave and Third-Party Vendor

Last week’s issue informed you we, along with other UMass unions are working together in coalition and will be taking some actions.  On Friday, March 22nd the FSU sent a formal letter to the Chancellor demanding to cease and desist implementation of the new vendor, FMLASource.

Pay Raises: Update and Action Plan


Dear Members,

We are working with other higher education unions and our parent union, the MTA, to get the state legislature to fund our contract.

Our message to legislators needs to be clear: they must pass a bill validating our contracts before Thanksgiving.  Here’s what you can do:


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