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Advocating for Our Rights as Members
The Faculty Staff Union Exists to Promote Better Working Conditions and Protect the Wages and Rights of Our Members
Faculty Staff Union, UMass Boston
UMass Boston- Harbor Point
Speak Out Against Proposed Take-Backs!
FSU, CSU, and PSU members at the Chancellor's Office demanding that UMass pay the raises agreed to in bargaining
The Faculty Staff Union of UMass-Boston
Representing Faculty Members and Librarians at UMass Boston Since 1976.

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston Quinn/2/81A 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston MA 02125 617-287-6295 | 

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston

Welcome to the FSU Site. Here you will find important information about our union, including the contract, a list of officers and  Executive Committee members, the FSU office telephone number and our address. You will also find information about current issues.   Please be sure to check the site regularly for the most recent issues facing our unit. We also have provided links to related sites that   you may find useful for union issues and for professional activities.

Caroline Coscia, President


Class cancellation petition and BoT protest next week

Dear Colleagues:

Course Cancellations:  We have heard from many of you that classes that are required for your major or that are full have or will be been cancelled.  Please protest this problem by signing the petition here that asks for transparency in the budget process, consultation with departments and faculty when classes are cancelled, and keeping classes that are required for majors or that always fill up. 

Update on Bargaining


Dear Colleagues,

Here is the latest on bargaining:

Bargaining update meeting, health insurance increases, and other important updates

Dear Colleagues:

We hope you had a great spring break.  The FSU has been busy.  Here’s the news:

FSU Update on NTT Promotion Grievance


Senior Lecturer and Senior Lecturer II Promotion Denials  (see here for current and all previous updates)

A number of NTTs were denied promotion in the Fall of 2016, and to the FSU, this appeared to be based on the expectation that NTTs perform service. The FSU filed a grievance asserting that service cannot be a basis for promotional review unless the individual is contracted to perform such work.

FSU Executive Committee Endorses Statement Against Hate Groups at UMass Boston

On March 8, 2017, the Faculty Staff Union Executive Committee formally endorsed the following statement:

Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Boston stand in solidarity with our students, condemning the cowardly propaganda actions by hate groups toward UMass Boston, its students, and its campus.

FSU and MTA Annual Meetings

Dear Colleague,

Mark your calendar for these important dates. Meetings are open to union members in good standing only (if you are an agency fee payer and wish to change your status or you have not yet joined but wish to do so, contact the FSU).

► FSU Annual Meeting:  Wednesday, April 26, 2 pm Crossley Lounge W 6 47.  Please join us!

FSU Executive Committee Elections Are In

Dear Colleague,

Voting closed this morning and the election results are in.  

Congratulations to your new FSU Executive Committee members:

Vice President:                                   John Hess

Tenured Faculty Representatives:      Steve Striffler and Karen Suyemoto

Pre-Tenured Representative:             Jason Rodriquez

Non-Tenured  Representatives:         Joe Ramsey and Peggy Walsh

Bargaining Update, Health Care Increases, FSU Statement


Dear Colleague,

The FSU has been busy.  Here’s an update:

► Bargaining Update:  Given the budget crisis, the administration has been unwilling to agree to proposals that cost money.  Hence they will not consider a research intensive semester for junior faculty and increased longevity pay.  They want many changes in the contract that you need to know about.  Please click here for more details.  

FSU Update on Bargaining


We’ve met with the Administration many times since the last update: 


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