FSU Calendar March 3rd to 7th
March 4th FSU lunchtime conversations: Equity, justice, inclusion and anti-racism in teaching, research and service
Join colleagues on Tuesday March 4, 12.30-1.30 in University Dining Club, CC 2nd floor to share aspects of your teaching, research and public and community service that are rooted in principles of anti-racism, equity, justice, and inclusivity, and to talk about the threats posed by recent federal government statements and actions. A pizza lunch will be provided.
Contract Bargaining Session, Wednesday, March 5th from 9:45AM to 11:45AM
Join your core bargaining team as an expanded team member. We bargain every Wednesday so if you cannot join us this week, there are future Wednesday sessions (for the latest update on bargaining, see here).
FSU Executive Committee meeting, Friday, March 7th 3:30 -5:00PM
Dear Faculty and Librarians,
March is Women’s history month. This year’s theme is “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.” Take a moment and think of an educator who made a difference in your life.
Check out Boston’s WGBH programing which is celebrating women who have made a difference. Our own Healey Library archives includes information on women’s studies programs.
FSU Lunchtime Conversations
This semester we invite you to join with colleagues for lunchtime conversations over pizza and cookies in the University Dining Club, Campus Center, 2nd floor.
Mark your calendar with the schedule: Tuesday March 4, Wednesday March 12, Tuesday March 25, Wednesday April 2, Tuesday April 8, Wednesday April 16, Tuesday April 22, Wednesday April 30, Tuesday May 6 and Wednesday May 14.
FSU Elections
On February 28th the Elections Committee announced the slate of candidates. The candidate forum is Thursday, March 13th.
All elections information is sent to you by the Elections Committee email account. Check your email for communications.
Eligibility to vote: all dues paying members in good standing
IMPACTS: Proposed Federal Budget and Higher Education
Last week Congress passed a Fiscal Year 25 budget reconciliation. Reconciliation provides the framework each congressional committee will use to determine the actual budget appropriations.
The passed resolution impacts those seeking access to higher education, the operations of student success programs and limiting public sector employee student loan forgiveness.
Access to higher education
The proposal taxes scholarships and ends the American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit. The impact is higher costs to access higher education.
Reduction of Student Success Programs
Student success programs such as McNair, TRIO and Project REACH operate on federal grants. These programs deliver services to reduce academic and non-academic barriers for student success and degree completion. The resolution reduces funding for these programs. The impact is that fewer students will be served and there will be fewer UMB staff members.
Limits the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program
PSLF allows certain public sector employees (teachers, firefighters) after ten years of making loan payments to receive student loan debt relief. The proposed budget limits the professions eligible and will only accept undergraduate loans.
As the reconciliation process moves forward, we will learn more details and share with you.
Wages and Living Conditions Survey for Higher Education
Living in Greater Boston is expensive. UMass Boston Unions have been fighting for higher and competitive salaries, increased promotional raises and cost of living increases that consider inflation and the true cost of living in this area.
The MTA is helping us by asking members to complete a wage and living condition survey. The survey can be accessed here.
Please do take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Know Your Contract: Newly Hired Lecturers
All Lecturers who are half-time or greater (generally 2 courses a semester, including CAPS, and Shorelight courses) will be immediately eligible for benefits (health insurance, dental insurance, and retirement).
MTA Benefits: Ski Killington VT
While we have been raining, Killington has been snowing, and conditions are good. Killington gives MTA members 10% off lift passes so why not head north for some Spring skiing over break.
Enjoy the week,
Caroline Coscia
FSU President
Senior Lecturer II
Political Science Department