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Legislative Efforts

Forum on a Better Future for Public Higher Education


Dear Members, 

The MTA is hosting a zoom forum on Imagining a Better Future for Public Higher Education.  

We hope you will be able to attend. Details are below. 


Caroline Coscia                                 Jeff Melnick 

FSU President                                   FSU Vice President 

Senior Lecturer II                              Professor 

Political Science Department         American Studies Department

Fair Share Amendment Info Session, Tuesday October 11th 10-11AM


Dear Member,

We would like to let you know about the following Fair Share Amendment info session on Tuesday, October 11th, 10-11AM. See attached for more information.

Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department        

The Point: The Fair Share Amendment


Greetings, Colleagues:

One thing you will notice if you read The Point in the coming weeks and months is that sometimes we dive into the knotty and granular details of issues that are very particular to our campus and daily working conditions.  In those email blasts we (the Communications Committee) will write or solicit contributions from colleagues that are rooted in local knowledge and primary research.  These email blasts should be construed as excavations, provocations, and invitations to consider matters of concern that we believe to be underappreciated. 

Dues deduction refund - update


Dear FSU members, 

We are pleased to inform you that your August 5, 2022, paycheck includes a refund of the dues deduction taken in error on July 22, 2022 (this applies to dues paying FSU members only).  You should see a negative number for your Boston MSP Dues in the After Tax Deductions box, located in the middle of your pay advice. 

Dues deductions occur over ten months, September to June.  We worked with both UMB and UMass System personnel to correct the error and to make sure appropriate systems are coded for ten deductions.  


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