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Legislative Efforts

Dues deduction refund - update


Dear FSU members, 

We are pleased to inform you that your August 5, 2022, paycheck includes a refund of the dues deduction taken in error on July 22, 2022 (this applies to dues paying FSU members only).  You should see a negative number for your Boston MSP Dues in the After Tax Deductions box, located in the middle of your pay advice. 

Dues deductions occur over ten months, September to June.  We worked with both UMB and UMass System personnel to correct the error and to make sure appropriate systems are coded for ten deductions.  

Highlights from Commencement and MTA Meetings


Dear Colleague,

Grades have been submitted, Commencement done and now we can think of warm days, sunshine, and beach reading.  

We want to send you off on summer break with some joy.  This past academic year has not been easy – masks on, masks off, student absences, late assignments and zoom meetings - through it all you persevered.   Somedays were harder than others.  

Debt College Bill – out of committee!


Dear FSU Members,

Good News: Your Legislative Calls for Debt Free College Helped Us Get the Bill Out of Committee!

Easy Action – Support Debt Free College Education in Massachusetts


Dear FSU Members,


You might have heard the news that this week New Mexico became the 31st state to offer some kind of statewide debt-free college. We need your help to win that in Massachusetts! 

Action 3/24 - Public College Should Not be a Debt Sentence!


In past years, many UMB staff, faculty and students have enjoyed visiting the State House on the annual Spring Advocacy Day organized by PHENOM (Public Higher Ed Network of Massachusetts). PHENOM needs our help this year to move a critical piece of legislation reported out of committee by April 4th. S829/H1339, An Act to Guarantee Debt-Free Public Higher Education,” would guarantee every Massachusetts resident has a right to a public higher education free of tuition, fees, and student debt and covers all MA public higher ed institutions, including UMB.


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