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Legislative Efforts

EASY ACTION -- MTA – Defend Higher Ed


Dear FSU Members,

As you know, the Governor’s proposed budget includes level funding for public colleges and universities through June 30, 2021.  Despite this, public education executives are continuing to make draconian cuts throughout the state.  Salem State is trying to impose a 3-week furlough on faculty and librarians. 

Click on the link below to ask your legislators to bring back laid off and furloughed workers.  It’s super easy.

TODAY’s Action: Defend Higher Education, 3:30pm


Dear FSU Members,

Contact FSU or Steve Striffler for the zoom link for today’s Teach-in and Legislative Call Out from 3:30 to 4:30. 

If you are tired of zoom, you join us at the State Capitol at 3:30 for a socially-distanced rally!

There will be an artistic performance, speakers from local higher ed institutions, and more.  

Thursday Action Zoom Link: Defend Higher Education


Dear FSU Members,

The zoom link for this Thursday’s Teach-in and Legislative Call Out from 3:30 to 4:30 is available from the FSU or Steve Striffler

If you are tired of zoom, you join us at the State Capitol at 3:30 for a socially-distanced rally!

There will be an artistic performance, speakers from local higher ed institutions, and more.  

UMass Budget - Good News and Action to Defend Higher Ed


Dear FSU Members,

The good news is that Governor Baker is proposing to level-fund public higher education!  This is a product of the campaign that the MTA – ourselves – has carried out during the past months.

If Baker’s budget proposal passes, almost every campus gets the same as the Governor proposed back in January, which was essentially level over FY2020.  UMass gets a little cut from Baker’s original FY2021 budget, but it is still higher than FY2020. (MTA is looking into why UMass got a bit less than originally proposed).  


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