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Legislative Efforts

The Point: Emergencies, Fast and Slow


Subject: Attacks on Academic Freedom

Action: Join the March 7th Action in Florida

Greetings, Colleagues

Higher Ed for All: How does this impact you?


Dear Members,  

We write with information on a campaign from MTA’s Higher Education for All and ask you to join us on Tuesday, February 28th at the State House to make legislators aware of the needs and our demands for public higher education.   

Higher Ed for All Campaign

FSU Nuts & Bolts: RES Funds


Dear Members, 

We all receive emails reminding us of an upcoming deadline.  We read it and then say to ourselves – oh, yeah, I need to do that before the deadline. Sometimes we do meet the deadline and other times grading, advising, committee work, and family life causes us to miss the deadline. 

This issue of Nuts & Bolts is a reminder to submit your RES funds.  But first..

Help us push for a larger pay raise! 

FSU Nuts and Bolts: Spring activities


Dear Members, 

Happy New Year and welcome to Spring semester.  Ironically, I write this with snow falling. 

This semester’s first issue of Nuts & Bolts is a preview of upcoming activities.  

Executive Committee Meetings 

Your union is governed by a thirteen-member executive committee comprised of a President, Vice President, four (4) tenured faculty, two (2) pre-tenured faculty, one (1) librarian and four (4) non-tenured track faculty.     


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