Dear Members,
Close yet so far away……..
Thursday afternoon the Legislature’s conference committee came to an agreement on the supplemental budget, specifically on shelter funding. The news reports seemed to indicate all was set and our raises are on the way. That is incorrect.
The conference report (H 4204) needs to be passed first by the House and then it goes to the Senate. The first attempt was Thursday night where the House assistant minority leader asked for a quorum. With non present, the session ended. Friday and Saturday the same – no quorum.
We are hopeful that when the House goes into session at 10AM there will be a quorum. Why? Pressure. Your emails/telephones calls are making a difference. Thank you. A big thank you to those represented by a republican and for reaching out to them to tell them not to block a vote.
8 Minutes for 8 Percent Action
Wow – a great crowd flooded the lobby outside the Chancellor’s office asking him to publicly support and more importantly to take action to get us our raises.
Thank you for those who attended. Check out CSU President Alexa MacPherson https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=735063668649267&set=pcb.735063708649263
International Faculty Gathering is Wednesday, December 6th 9AM to 10:30AM
As the fall semester draws to a close the FSU invites all international faculty to meet, share questions and advice, and to forge solidarity. Join us in person in ISC 1-1400, or on Zoom (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information).
FSU Elections, Spring 2024
The schedule for our annual elections will be announced later this week.
NTT Promotion Materials Submittal
The due date for NTTs to submit your promotion materials (Article 21.12.4) to your chair is January 26, 2024.
Note: To submit materials, you needed to have informed your chair in May 2023 of your intention to file for promotion.
Senior Lecturer IIs applying for Senior Lecturer III: Only those applying for Senior Lecturer III will submit materials listed in the Memorandum of Agreement, which was extended to those applying for promotion in 2024.
Contract: Research and Educational Support Funds (RES Funds):
All unit members who are 50% or more are eligible for these funds (see here for more info).
Most likely you have received an email from Thomas Miller (October 20, 2023) titled FY24 RES Fund Eligibility with your award amount.
MTA Benefits: Boston Bruins
For select games this season, you can get a discount on your tickets! Go Black and Gold!
Caroline Coscia
FSU President
Senior Lecturer II
Political Science Department