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Legislative Efforts

Nuts & Bolts: Investment in Public Higher Education is Investment in Us


Dear Members,

The first Nuts & Bolts of the new academic year includes an update on the Anti-Racism grants and focuses on the lack of state investment in higher education.

Anti-Racism Grants

Welcome Back From Your Faculty Staff Union


Dear Members,

Happy new academic year! The next few days are exciting as we reconnect with colleagues, meet new colleagues, and greet our students.   I hope you had a relaxing, restful, and productive period of non-responsibility. And for those new to UMB, we welcome you to campus and wish you a positive and productive semester ahead.

Your union is gearing up for a busy semester.  Many of our activities and actions include numerous ways for you to get involved.  

Contract Funding Update


Dear members,

On July 12th, the funding request for our one-year contract was submitted to the State Legislature.  At the time, the legislature was still negotiating the annual state budget.  We were unsure whether our funding would be included in the annual budget or a supplemental budget.


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