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Higher Education

Help community college adjunct faculty tomorrow at 9 am


Dear Colleagues:

We hope you will shortly have a restful break.  This is what is going on in the FSU: 

Board of Trustees meeting this Friday at 9 am and other actions and information


Dear Colleagues, 

Thanks to those of you who turned out for the Nov 29 protest against staff layoffs.  More on these layoffs is below:

► This Friday, December 8, at 9 am at UMass Lowell’s Inn and Conference Center is the Board of Trustees meeting.  Union Presidents will be speaking about the staff layoffs and cuts at UMB, bad salary increases being offered, and bad pay, security and working conditions for adjuncts at UMass Lowell.  Please come support this effort if you can.   50 Warren Street, Lowell, MA.  First floor, Main Ballroom. 

Layoffs, Associate Lecturers, and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues, 

Some important updates here. 

Protest staff layoffs tomorrow and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleague:

Our staff can use your help, and so can the FSU.  See below:

►The Professional and Classified Unions on campus are protesting the layoffs that are soon to be announced at their STAND UP Against Layoffs! demonstration  Tomorrow, Tuesday Nov 14 at 12 noon, Quinn, 2nd floor lobby.  Please RSVP if you can attend here:  RSVP!

FSU meeting this Thursday Oct 12 at 11 am


Dear Colleague,


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