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Higher Education

FSU Bargaining update on NTT service and meeting this Friday at noon


Dear Colleagues,

We hope you are well and can come to the FSU meeting on the budget cuts and an update on bargaining on Wednesday, October 12, Campus Center 2540, 11-1.  Let us know if you will be attending so we can order the right amount of food. 

In addition, please note the following activities: 

Welcome and update from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to campus for those of you who are returning.  For those of you who are new, welcome to UMass Boston.  As you can see, we have been busy: 

►Budget Cuts and Course cancellations: 

Rally on Friday at noon and petition for the Early Learning Center

Dear Colleague,

Below are the latest updates from the FSU:

► Budget cut update: 

Budget cuts and hearing on higher ed bill

Dear Colleague,

Below is the latest news around the budget cuts and an important bill hearing on Thursday. 

Budget Cuts:  There are many rumors about the budget cuts.  This is what we verified with the administration:


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