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Bargaining update meeting, health insurance increases, and other important updates

Dear Colleagues:

We hope you had a great spring break.  The FSU has been busy.  Here’s the news:

FSU Executive Committee Endorses Statement Against Hate Groups at UMass Boston

On March 8, 2017, the Faculty Staff Union Executive Committee formally endorsed the following statement:

Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Boston stand in solidarity with our students, condemning the cowardly propaganda actions by hate groups toward UMass Boston, its students, and its campus.

FSU and MTA Annual Meetings

Dear Colleague,

Mark your calendar for these important dates. Meetings are open to union members in good standing only (if you are an agency fee payer and wish to change your status or you have not yet joined but wish to do so, contact the FSU).

► FSU Annual Meeting:  Wednesday, April 26, 2 pm Crossley Lounge W 6 47.  Please join us!

Bargaining Update, Health Care Increases, FSU Statement


Dear Colleague,

The FSU has been busy.  Here’s an update:

► Bargaining Update:  Given the budget crisis, the administration has been unwilling to agree to proposals that cost money.  Hence they will not consider a research intensive semester for junior faculty and increased longevity pay.  They want many changes in the contract that you need to know about.  Please click here for more details.  

FSU Executive Committee's Statement of Solidarity With Those Impacted By President's Executive Order on Immigration

FSU Executive Committee Statement of Solidarity (approved February 25, 2017)

The FSU Executive Committee condemns in the strongest terms the Executive Order (EO) that enacted a 90-day suspension of visas and other immigration benefits to all nationals of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. 


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