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Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, Voting begins March 24th, FSU Annual Meeting New Business Items, FSU swag, Phased Retirement, MTA Annual Meeting of Delegates, teaching back-to-back classes? and NEA Benefits


FSU Calendar March 24th to 28th       

FSU Elections: Voting opens 9AM March 24th

Voting for your Vice President and members of the Executive Committee opens at 9AM today and concludes on March 31st. See below for ballot details.

Tuesday, March 25th 12:00-1:00PM FSU lunchtime conversations: They are coming for us – what are we going to do?

Join colleagues on Tuesday to discuss the impacts of federal actions on higher education and what we can do to push back.  Pizza and cookies provided.

Contract Bargaining Session, Wednesday, March 26th from 9:45AM to 11:45AM W-5-041     

Join your core bargaining team as an expanded team member. This week we are meeting in Wheatley Hall, 5th floor, room 041 (Philosophy Dept.).  Can’t make the full session, come to Wheatley 5th floor from 9:30AM to 9:45AM to show your support for your bargaining team.  

Dear Faculty and Librarians,

Welcome back!  We hope you had a relaxing spring break and rejuvenated for the semester home stretch.  

FSU Elections: Voting is March 24th to 31st

Voting for the FSU elections will begin at 9am Monday (3/24) and will conclude 9am Monday (3/31). This Monday morning FSU members will receive an email with an individualized link to your ballot. You will use this link to cast your ballot for both Vice President and your respective faculty rank, if applicable. 

The email, while sent by Qualtrics, will have the FSU Election Committee in the sender line. If you cannot find your ballot, please search all email folders (spam, junk, alternative mailboxes). The subject line will read "FSU Ballot 2025". If you experience any technical issues, please reach out to the FSU Elections Committee:

The FSU Elections Committee wishes to thank the candidates and members who attended the Candidate Forum on March 13th.   The forum was recorded.  Email the FSU for access.

Reminder: New Business Item deadline for FSU Annual Meeting is March 27th

Our policies (see below) require submittal of new business items be received no later than March 27th at 5PM EDT via email to .  

Policy: The notification shall call for new business agenda items which must be submitted no less than 21 days prior to the meeting.   1. All new business items are to be submitted in the form of a motion. 2. All new business items are to be submitted to the President and FSU Executive Committee via the FSU email account.

Be a proud FSU member!

The FSU has swag!  We have tee shirts, buttons and stickers. We also have red cards.  Please contact us to coordinate the delivery.

Fighting Federal Government Actions

Members from across the UMass campuses and state universities are planning activities to take place on Tuesday, April 8th and on May 1st.  Both these days have been designated as national days of action.

Watch this space and MTA emails with event details.

Know your contract: Phased Retirement

Tenure track members and NTT/Librarians on continuing appointments may participate in this program that allows members to reduce their percentage of time to 50% for up to 2 years prior to separation from the university (see Article 27.14 for more info).

Be a Delegate to the MTA Annual Meeting of Delegates, May 2nd and 3rd, Springfield

The FSU has been allocated 13 delegates. If you wish to attend as a delegate, please contact us as soon as possible. The deadline for the FSU to submit delegate names is April 4th.

This year you can attend in person or remotely.  For more information go to

Are You Teaching Back-to-Back Classes Fall 2025? 

We have heard your concerns that it is almost impossible to go from UHall to Wheatley or McCormack in ten minutes. 

If you are scheduled to teach back-to-back classes, not in the same or adjacent classroom, please speak to your department and college scheduler about getting rooms closer together.  We suggest you make the request now.

NEA Benefits: Discount Marketplace

Your FSU membership also includes membership in MTA and NEA.  We normally highlight MTA benefits but this week we are showcasing your NEA benefits.  To see all the discounts your membership provides, go to


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department