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Register for FSU Friday Bargaining Session


Dear FSU Member,

As you know, the FSU recently won an agreement to allow up to 30 FSU members to attend bargaining sessions.  This will be our first session and it is important that we have a full contingent of 30 members. 

NTT faculty zoom meeting, this Friday 3-5pm


Dear NTT faculty colleagues,

Please join us for an NTT Faculty Meeting, this Friday, July 10, from 3-5pm, via Zoom (info to be sent later).

On our agenda will be the non-reappointment letters sent to over 300 of our UMB NTT colleagues, and our union response, as well as an update from the upcoming bargaining efforts with Administration (see here for more info). 

Invitation to FSU Bargaining- Friday, July 10th, 12-2


Dear FSU Members,

We invite you to participate in bargaining on Friday, July 10th, from 12 to 2pm.  (please contact the FSU office if you are interested and would like to register)  

FSU Approves MOA on Expanded Bargaining


Dear FSU Members,

At yesterday’s Special Session of the General Assembly, the membership unanimously approved (43-0) the attached agreement with Administration allowing up to 30 FSU members to attend each bargaining session (in addition to the core bargaining team).  This represents a significant step towards expanded bargaining – and a more engaged, transparent, and powerful union. 

Reminder: FSU Special session -- Thurs 6/25/20, 2:30-3:30


Dear FSU Members,

To follow up on the below email, we wanted to send you the proposed/tentative agreement that we will be discussing on Thursday (see attached).  It was written by the Administration to reflect the agreement we discussed in last bargaining session.   See you Thursday! (please note that the meeting date was incorrectly listed as 6/26 in our previous email).



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