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FSU Special session of General Assembly Meeting on Bargaining, Thurs 6/25/20, 2:30-3:30


Dear FSU Members,       Thursday, 2:30pm -   (contact the FSU office for Zoom meeting info)

Friday Bargaining Session – please join us 9am


Dear FSU Members,     

[Friday 9am  - contact the FSU office for Zoom info]

FSU Survey on Health and Safety - please complete


Dear Colleague,

As UMB prepares for the 2020-2021 academic year, the FSU Core Bargaining Team (CBT) is concerned about your safety. We need you to assist us by completing this brief survey related to COVID-19 risk factors for you and your household. All data will be aggregated and used to help the CBT better understand and advocate for our members’ health and safety needs.

The survey will be open from June 16th to June 23nd (5PM). 

Contact the FSU office for the link.

Thank you for your assistance,

The Point: Team Logic


Greetings, Colleagues.

Cognitive Dissonance: Last Monday afternoon I found myself in a strange place, toggling between two different meetings on zoom at the same time.  One was the weekly meeting at of the Academic Continuity Task Force, on which I serve as the faculty representative from CLA.  In this group, meant to represent the entire UMB community, we warmly treat each other as colleagues working on a shared mission: we have even begun sharing ideas and documents on (Microsoft) Teams! 

Bargaining TODAY. 2:30pm – FSU invitation


Dear FSU Members,

We invite you – as members of the FSU bargaining team – to join us today at 2:30pm for a short caucus before beginning the actual bargaining session with Admin at 3pm.

Caucus zoom at 2:30 (contact the FSU office for Zoom meeting information)

We will be asking Admin to accept expanding bargaining, thereby allowing FSU members to observe the bargaining sessions.

Sincerely, and in solidarity,

Core Bargaining Team


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