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Invitation to Bargaining – June 8th


Dear FSU Members,

We invite you – as members of the FSU bargaining team – to the next bargaining session on Monday, June 8th.   We will caucus at 2:30pm before beginning the actual bargaining session with Admin at 3pm.

Caucus zoom at 2:30 (contact the FSU office for Zoom meeting information)

We will be asking Admin to accept expanding bargaining, thereby allowing FSU members to observe the bargaining sessions.

We also welcome Jessica Holden, Librarian III, as a member of the FSU Core Bargaining Team

The Point: A Primer for Expanded Bargaining


From Steve Striffler, FSU bargaining team:

Last week UMB Administration rejected calls by the union for expanded bargaining – and refused to allow FSU faculty and librarians into the bargaining session.  This raised a few questions from members:

What is “expanded” bargaining?

Admin refuses to bargain in front of FSU members


Dear FSU Members,

We write with three important bargaining updates and a request for your help.

First the good news:  Administration (finally!) signed the Spring 2020 agreement that we reached with them in April (please see attached).

Now the bad news:

FSU Members – Invitation to Bargaining!


Dear FSU Members,

As part of the FSU’s commitment to expanded bargaining (see the FSU policy here), we invite you – as members of the FSU bargaining team – to the first main table bargaining session on May 20th from 11am-1pm, where we plan to discuss with the Administration the ground rules for bargaining as well as a series of substantive issues around any potential reopening of the campus (i.e. health/safety, teaching, etc.). 

All union meeting tomorrow, letter to Meehan


Dear Colleague,

We hope you are doing well. Below is the information for tomorrow’s town hall and information  on a union coalition letter we signed and sent to President Meehan.

► All-Union Meeting on the Budget Cuts: Tomorrow, Tuesday 5/12, 12-1pm.  We will be discussing what is happening on other campuses, at UMB, and will plan and organize for anticipated budget cuts.   See the attached flier. 


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