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October 8, 2024

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2024 3:30pm (Zoom)

Executive Committee Members Present: Caroline Coscia (President); Sana Haroon (Vice President); Lynne Benson; Monique Fuguet; Karen Grayson; Patricia Krueger-Henney; Jared Poole; Rania Said; Andrew Elder

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli (FSU Senior Staff Member); Joel Fish


  1. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion seconded. Motion passes.

  2. Approval of Minutes: 9/24 minutes deferred to next meeting because they were not distributed to members prior to meeting.

  3.  Special Election: Update
    1. Voting begins tomorrow, Wednesday 10/9
    2. Election concludes on 10/16
    3. New members are planned to join the next ExCom meeting (two weeks from today)
  4. Spring 2025 CLR: Vote
    1. Our policies require we vote to approve the CLRs for union work (Article 5). We are required to inform the provost office no less than two weeks prior to registration. Spring 2025 student registration opens November 5th.
      1. Our CLRs will go to Caroline, Sana, and Paul Dyson
      2. The university will fund a stipend for Laurie Milliken
      3. Motion, seconded, unanimously approved (Sana and Caroline abstain)
    2. The CLRs, if necessary, for the core bargaining team will be handled later.
  5. Spring 2025 Stipends: Vote
    1. Spring 2025 stipends from the FSU budget will be distributed as follows:
      1. Caroline and Sana split 50/50 the FSU President stipend
      2. Trei Martin and Heidi Standish (grievance)
      3. Motion, seconded, unanimously approved (Sana and Caroline abstain)
  6. Space Policy: Update
    1. Seeking MTA Legal review
      1. MTA legal believes that it may be argued that the policy would have a “chilling effect” on our organizing activities, even if union organizing is not specifically and directly referenced. This might be grounds for a ULP
      2. ExCom members note that, if one reviews our email exchanges regarding the action at convocation, it has already caused unit members to worry whether supporting the union through certain actions will bring them into violation of the policy.
    2. At labor-mgt, Mickey claimed that the new policy does not apply to us, generating considerable ambiguity about how the policy will be enforced or what exactly it pertains to.
    3. The new space use policy is already being enforced on various campus community members; ExCom members note the need to identify ways to protect community members not covered by our contract (particularly students) from potentially punitive action under the policy. The ULP would not be sufficient to address that concern.
    4. There is discussion about the union action planned for 10/10/24, with respect to this new policy.
    5. Note:  Mass Media article
      1. FIRE, a conservative advocacy group focused on higher education, has written a letter condemning the new policy as an infringement upon free speech
  7.  Audit: Update (Monique)
    1. We need to declare which dues are uncollectable. It is not legally required, but we have made a practice of having an ExCom vote on this number. We will address this in executive session at the next meeting because discussing this topic requires sharing confidential information.
  8.  Discussion: Solidarity with sister unions on campus (Karen & Patricia)
    1. There is need for continued relationship building with other unions on campus.
    2. Historically, our relationships have not been very strong. Improvements have been in recent years. Leaders across unions are deliberately coordinating activity and planning action together around various issues.
    3. What we can do is continue to show respect and value colleagues in other unions.
    4. On a practical level, our CAT is new and there may be kinks to work out in coordinating our activity through the bargaining process, alongside other unions, to be more effective and be on the same page at those critical moments.
    5. It is also necessary that relationships with other unions are not just between leaders of these unions. Rather, we should prioritize helping members build trust and relationships across unions. Showing solidarity at other unions’ actions is one easy and important way to do that. This ties back to the CAT issue; e.g., with the “All CAT” meeting, real planning between members is happening, but perhaps since our CAT is new it is not fully utilized. There is more to be done to ensure that people are aware of the various coordination taking place and opportunities to keep working together.
  9.  Discussion: How can Ex Comm more visibly and substantially support members of our community and co-create systems of care and repair? (Karen & Patricia)
    1. Intended to build upon Suha’s latest point on the experience of UMB community members’ with ties to areas embroiled in war/conflict.
    2. A short condensation of Suha’s proposals (she makes suggestions at various levels, mainly university, but all should be involved in these efforts): mental health resources tailored to this population’s needs; organize UMB knowledge/resources to support people in conflict zones; build understanding of what students/faculty are going through
    3. It is suggested that themes be added to the FSU Coffee Hour which could address these issues.
    4. Can be part of a broader strategy of getting people involved in FSU—make FSU a place that people come to for help.
  10. Discussion: Expanding ExCom (Monique)
    1. Call for volunteers to work on putting proposal together
  11.  Membership: Update (Maria)
  12. Background: Work with other UMB and UMass unions
    1. Just some background on our relationship with UMB and UMass unions.  Until four years ago the FSU had no real relationship with the other UMB unions and a very fractured relationship with MSP Amherst.  We are legally joined with MSP and frankly we need to remain joined for collective power.   
    2. Our relationship with MSP became so contentious that there were discussions to separate. We did begin to bargain separately and today have two different contracts.Steve Striffler began rebuilding our relationship and I have continued to do so working with Eve W and now Marc L. Today, I can say there is respect, and we work together.
    3. Until four years ago, the FSU went alone on bargaining items that impacted the other unions. A great example is the 2018 parking agreement.  Steve began the process of reaching out and we even began joining in PSU sponsored events. We have continued to work with and support CSU, GEO and PSU.  It is essential that we all work together.
    4. Union work is not always sexy - protests and rallies come about after doing the detailed work. Much union work is to some boring- it is the nuts and bolts of pressuring administration.  Meetings and more meetings are the norm to solve issues.   
    5. The FSU attends the bi-weekly UMass Unions United meeting (Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell campus unions attend). 
    6. UMB union leaders are working to set a standard meeting time a month to meet – this has been slow to come about with all of us in bargaining but hopefully we will be able to establish a schedule soon. 
    7. We are in coalition with CSU, DCU and PSU on transportation bargaining. We have been together for about two years on this.
    8. Over the past year we (CSU, FSU and PSU) worked together to stop the administration from implementing a vendor for medical leaves.  We all worked together to issue cease and desist on Title IX.  And we are keeping each other in the loop on our actions related to the space policy change.   
    9. When on campus I try to stop by the see Alexa, CSU president to check in. The CSU has no Lorenzo to assist, and I try to do my best to provide her support.  PSU has a change in leadership. I admit my start of the semester situation has not allowed me to visit Tom and Penelope as I would like as to me it is important to build personal relationships. 
  13.  Upcoming FSU activities
    1. FSU Member Gathering is Wednesday, October 9th 11:30AM - 1:00PM, Campus Center Ballroom
    2. The FSU Fall semester member gathering is this Wednesday, October 9th.
    3. FSU Leadership Labor Relations Meeting with HR Labor Relations
    4. Weds, October 9th 2:30PM.  This is the meeting we deal with issues related to the contract.
    5. UMass Unions United, Thursday October 10th 8:30AM
      1. Caroline and Lorenzo represent the FSU at this meeting of unions from Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth and Lowell.  Maria along with Miles Sterns, both MTA field representatives chair the biweekly meeting.
    6. Faculty Council, Monday, October 7th
      1. The FSU president is an ex officio member.  I will most likely yield my three minutes oral report time to Alexa McPherson, CSU President, so that she may have more time to present the latest on CSU bargaining.  I also did this a couple of times spring semester.  It is important she can orally present her report to faculty and more importantly, to the chancellor, provost and administration and finance in an open forum.