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REMINDER: FSU Transportation Survey


Dear Member,

The FSU in coalition with the Classified Staff Union and the Professional Staff Union are currently engaged with administration in transportation bargaining. To assist us we ask that you complete a brief transportation survey (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for survey information).

The survey seeks feedback on how you currently get to campus and what, if any, factor(s) might shift your modality.

FSU Transportation Survey


Dear Member,

The FSU in coalition with the Classified Staff Union and the Professional Staff Union are currently engaged with administration in transportation bargaining. To assist us we ask that you complete a brief transportation survey (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for survey information).

The survey seeks feedback on how you currently get to campus and what, if any, factor(s) might shift your modality.

Support FSU at Faculty Council Meeting Today


Dear Members,

Please support the FSU by attending the last regular Faculty Council meeting of the year today at 1:00PM (contact FSU for Zoom and room location information).

Bargaining Update: “A dumpster fire of disrespect and contempt”


“The irony of conducting online negotiations while demanding zoom be shut down shouldn’t be lost on anyone.”

              -              FSU Expanded Team Member

Dear FSU members,

Update on FSU Bargaining- Register For the May 1st Bargaining Session


Dear Member,

Here is the latest on the 24-27 FSU contract negotiations. Don’t forget to register to attend the May 1st bargaining session (see attached flyer for more information).

Where Are We Currently?


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