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Nuts & Bolts: FMLA outsourcing, transportation survey, period of non-responsibility, FSU June to August, FSU Executive Committee and MTA Summer Conference


Dear Members,

This week is why we do what we do.  Commencement week is exciting.  Our students are amazing – they work many hours off campus, commute (this year with multiple T closures), and participate in student organizations. Watching the number of students who rise when the Chancellor asks ‘who are the first in their family to graduate from college’ is heartwarming.

You might be tired from and still grading final papers and exams; but remember you have set your students forward on a path of success.

Outsourcing of FMLA: Take Action

Thank you to all who added your name to the petition telling President Meehan to stop the outsourcing.  Your actions are making an impact.  

You can still add your name, please go to

Transportation Survey: This week!

Watch for an email with the coalition survey (CSU, DCU, FSU and PSU).   We ask that you do complete the survey. We need to know how you get to campus and what incentives would result in a change in modality.  We thank you for doing so.

Summer Session One Parking Pass

The portal to purchase a summer pass is now open.  The pass is effective June 1st.

Period of Non-responsibility

For those members on a nine-month contract, your period of non-responsibility runs June to August 31st.    

FSU: June to August

The FSU works all year.  Okay, we do take some time off, but we are still here answering inquiries and solving problems.  Please use our email address for communications.  Currently, summer activities include transportation bargaining, outsourcing of FMLA, Simulation Lab job descriptions, and promotion structure for a non-traditional academic department.   

FSU Communications: June to August

If there is a need to update you with important information, we will send an email with the subject line: FSU Update.

If there is a need to provide you with urgent information, the email subject line will be FSU: Important Information.   

FSU Executive Committee: Thank you.

Thank you to those members whose term of office is ending.  They are Chris Barcelos (Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies), Jessica Holden (Librarian) and Linda Liu (Sociology).  All were active participants who volunteered for a multitude of tasks and committees.  Chris chairing the anti-racism grant committee, Jessica took on the role of taking meeting minutes and Linda edited many of our email communications.   Also, a thank you to Brian White, Biology, for all his assistance in budgeting and the university website.

FSU Executive Committee: Welcome new members

Welcome to our new members.  The new librarian representative is CR Elliot. Rania Said (Modern Languages) represents pre-tenured faculty and Karen Grayson (English) is a new Non-Tenure Track representative.

MTA: Summer Conference

This year’s summer conference is from July 28th to 31st at UMass Amherst.  You can attend the full conference or one day – your choice.   Early bird registration ends July 16th.   For more information, go to   New workshops may be added and will be on the website.

Point of personal privilege

Thank you for re-electing me as your president. 

This is the last issue of Nuts & Bolts for the semester.  Enjoy the summer weather and see you in September.


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department