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UMB Faculty of Color Respond to Boston Globe


Dear FSU Members,

As it relates directly to the FSU-Faculty Council Forum this Thursday, 1-2:30pm (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for Zoom information)., we share with you a letter from UMB faculty of color and minority faculty regarding the recent opinion piece in the Boston Globe.  Here is their letter:


In the News – Africana Studies and Dorchester Bay City


Dear FSU Members,

We wanted to make sure everyone saw two important pieces in local media outlets.

FSU Response to Boston Globe Hit Job


Dear FSU Members, 

Like many of you, we were troubled by the recent editorial – or rather hit job – in the Boston Globe that repeated the ugly narrative that UMB faculty are racist.  The worst thing about it – aside from the damage it does to individual faculty, our students, and the university as a whole – is that the narrative comes directly from our own Administration in a transparent attempt to silence faculty.  

Debt College Bill – out of committee!


Dear FSU Members,

Good News: Your Legislative Calls for Debt Free College Helped Us Get the Bill Out of Committee!


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