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Join the FSU for Contract Bargaining on March 26


Dear Colleagues, 

After the Administration walked out of our last bargaining session (read our update from March 14), we are returning to the bargaining table next Wednesday, March 26. We need you to attend this session to show Admin that you are tired of waiting for a fair contract and your much-needed raises. 

Register now for next week's in-person bargaining session, which will be on Wednesday, March 26, from 9:45-11:30am in Wheatley room W-5-41 (note the room change from previous sessions). The deadline to register is next Monday at 5:00pm. Come for all or only part of the session to show your support for the FSU and pressure the Administration to engage in fair contract bargaining. (contact the FSU office or the Core Bargaining Team for Zoom information)

See all of our contract proposals here. And keep an eye out for invitations to our future bargaining sessions, which will continue to be held on Wednesdays, 9:45-11:30am, with specific dates and room info to be announced. 

In solidarity, 

The FSU Core Bargaining Team 

Caroline Coscia, Senior Lecturer II, Political Science 

Ellen Frank, Senior Lecturer II, Economics 

Maria Hegbloom, MTA Field Representative 

Jessica Holden, Librarian IV, Healey Library 

Keith Jones, Lecturer, Africana Studies 

Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Senior Staff Member 

Jason Rodriquez, Associate Professor, Sociology 

Heike Schotten, Professor, Political Science 

Steve Striffler, Professor, Labor Studies 

For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage