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ACTIVIST ALERT: Wear or pass out ‘fund UMB’ stickers at graduation tomorrow

Dear Colleagues:

Campus organizers working with the Coalition to Save UMB have created eye-catching stickers that we're encouraging faculty, students, and others to wear at tomorrow's UMB undergraduate commencement.  The simple message:  "Fund UMB."

There will also be a small crew of UMB organizers working outside the TD North Garden between 7:30 and 9:00 am tomorrow morning with stickers for those who would like them. Email Joe Ramsey at or Mary Jo Connelly at if you'd like to connect with this effort to either wear them or pass them out.

This "Fund UMB" team will be expressing a very positive, congratulatory message for graduates and their families, including an invitation to take a "Fund UMB" selfie that can be sent along to Gov. Baker, Marty Meehan, and others who hold the purse strings at the state level. 

What better way to welcome our graduates into the UMB alumni community then to offer them a chance to join the effort to support their alma mater! 

From the FSU