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Testify today, send testimony and contact your legislators to help UMB


Dear Colleague,

The Joint Higher Education on Higher Education Committee is meeting today in room A-1 from 10:30 until around 1 pm.

Mt. Ida update plus adjunct pension bill - help us get this passed!


Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are towards the end of your grading if you are a faculty member!  I want to inform you about two important items.  

► UMass Amherst is promoting “the Mount Ida Campus of UMass Amherst [as] the Greater Boston instructional location of the Commonwealth’s flagship campus.” 

Raise $43 million for UMB per year this Thursday at 5 pm


Dear Colleagues,

Come to Boston this Thursday, May 16 to support the Cherish Act, which will give UMass Boston an additional $43 million/year (for information on this Act, see here). 

Come to the legislative lunch tomorrow at noon- help us increase funding for UMB!


Dear Colleagues,

Come to the Legislative Lunch tomorrow, May 2, 12 noon, Campus Center, Ballroom A

With faculty, staff , students and legislators, come discuss how the budget cuts have affected you, how UMB needs the extra $43 million that the Cherish Act will infuse per year to UMB, and the importance of the Cherish Act and why legislators should support it. 


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