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Raise $43 million for UMB per year this Thursday at 5 pm


Dear Colleagues,

Come to Boston this Thursday, May 16 to support the Cherish Act, which will give UMass Boston an additional $43 million/year (for information on this Act, see here). 

The MTA is organizing a full afternoon of events from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the State House (see attached schedule), including a teach-in, followed by a major rally and march around the State House starting at 5 p.m.  If time is short, the important event to attend is the rally at 5 pm

  • We'll be gathering at both 3:15 pm and at 4 pm at the Ironworker Statue at UMB on May 16 to go to the State House together for the rally.
  • Wear red that day, or
  • Those who sign up on this link ( ) will get a free red Fund Our Future T-shirt and a free T-pass.
  • We are fighting for no tuition and fee increases and over half a billion/year for higher education, $43 million of which will go to UMass Boston per year. 


Marlene Kim

FSU President

Professor, Economics

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