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Update on FSU Grievance Matters


Many of these grievances will have an impact on other members, including the conversion to the new language for NTTs.

Removal of Tenure

An arbitration hearing for a tenured faculty member who was dismissed in violation of just cause will conclude next week, and we expect a decision in a couple of months.

Improper Denial of Tenure

Letter from the President

Letter from the President

Fall 2015

Dear Colleagues:

I hope you are having a great semester.  The FSU has been busy.  Here is an update on some important issues. 


We finally received our retroactive pay in your last paycheck in October. 

Fall FSU Newsletter With Important Info


The Fall 2015 edition of Union News is hot off the presses. (Note: hard copies are available in the union office or by request). This issue features stories including:

● Whatever happened to faculty governance?

● How a tax on millionaires in Massachusetts could fund public education and transportation in the state.

Update on NTT Promotion Timelines and Criteria

Dear NTT Faculty Member

We would like to update you on a few matters related to NTT promotional timelines and criteria for promotions.

NTT Promotion Criteria and Process

NTT Contract Conversion Update

Dear NTT Faculty Member,

We have been engaged with the administration on several fronts in both asserting our position and in clarifying the Agreement.

1.  Grievance:  We have a grievance that addresses the issue of a unit member promotion eligibility in which we assert pre July 1, 2014 creditable service is based on a calendar year calculation.  We are waiting for the Step II decision in this case.


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