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NTT Contract Conversion Update


Since the last update we sent on 3/22/16, the FSU has met a number of times with the Administration to discuss contract conversion issues. We have not yet resolved all the outstanding issues, but we have some updates on the issues below.

June 1 emergency FSU meeting on budget cuts and non-reappointment of NTTs

Come hear the latest and how you can be part of the solution:

Wednesday June 1, Campus Center, 2nd Floor, Conference Room (2540) 1pm

Barbara Madeloni, President, Massachusetts Teachers’ Association will be our Special Guest

●  Get the latest updates on the non-reappointment notices.

●  Get your questions answered about non-reappointments.

●  Join the organizing efforts on the budget cuts and opposing the non-reappointments

Budget and non-reappointments, Blackboard

Dear Colleague,

We have been following two issues that we would like to update you on:

NTT Layoffs:  At the “Open Meeting to Strengthen the Budget Process” on May 12, the Administration stated the following:

● Notices of non-reappointments will be sent to all NTTs who are Associate Lecturers and to Lecturers with semester by semester appointments.  Some may be re-hired this summer, but this will obviously difficult to NTTs to plan their lives. 

● The University will raise the student/faculty ratio.

Update From the FSU

Dear Colleague,

We hope you had a great break!  The FSU has been busy.  Here are a few updates:

NTT Contract Conversion Update


Implementation Date

The Administration has agreed to acknowledge all promotions from the previous contract through the start of Spring 15. That means that any promotions or status changes (i.e. eligible for Lecturer I, Lecturer II, or post-probationary status) that would have occurred under the 12-14 contract as of the start of Spring 15 will be recognized for purposes of conversion to the new language.

Incorrect Titles, Post-Conversion


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