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Nuts & Bolts: Calendar of events, NTT Promotion Workshop, Know Your Contract, Payroll Schedule, Repeal the Steal, US Dept of Education Budget and MTA Benefits


FSU Calendar December 9th to December 13th   

Tuesday December 10th 11:45 to 1:30 Coffee, Tea & Cookies Plus Pizza Too! 

Join the FSU for our last coffee, tea and cookies for the semester. Stop by the University Dining Club to relax and meet colleagues. This week we are adding some pizza.

Tuesday, December 10th FSU Executive Committee Meeting 3:30 – 5:00PM 

Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, NTTs with 50% or greater continuing appointments, academic freedom webinar, sabbaticals, and MTA benefits


FSU Calendar October 28th to November 1st

Monday, October 28th 5:00-6:00PM Yes on 2 Savin Hill Canvassing

Join with Yes on 2 supporters to canvas our neighbors.  See attached flyer for details.

Wednesday, October 30th 11:45- 1:30PM   Coffee, Tea and Yes on 2 

Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, RES Fund Amount, NTT Promotions, Tuition Credits, November 5th election timeline and MTA benefits

FSU Calendar October 21st to October 25th

Tuesday, October 22nd 11:45- 1:30PM   Coffee, Tea and Yes on 2

Stop by University Dining Club, Campus Center, 2nd floor for some caffeine and sugar

FSU Anti Racism Grant applications are now open. Due November 1st


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for anti-racism proposals.   

This academic year’s funding pool is $45,000. 

The application deadline is Friday, November 1st at 4PM EST.


Update From The FSU Grievance Committee


Dear Colleague,


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