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We are at Impasse for Parking Bargaining! We need your input!


NOTE: For current and previous bargaining updates see here.

Dear Colleagues,

The administration made their last financial offer to the FSU last Friday regarding parking rates:

Protest parking fees this Wed. at noon, GEO letter, and other info from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

We hope you are having a great semester.  Please join us on Wednesday to protest the high parking fees the university plans to impose.   

The Role of Public Higher Education and UMass Boston


The Role of Public Higher Education and UMass Boston

Edited remarks by Marlene Kim from an address given at UMB on October 4, 2018

Public higher education serves the public good: it benefits more than just the college graduate.  Because it helps the larger community, we should subsidize higher education more than we do so today. 

Forum on funding higher education this Thursday 4-6 pm


Dear Colleague,

Please join members of FSU, UMB student organizers, representatives of Save UMB, and other Boston-area higher education advocates for this important Forum on Funding Higher Education, this Thursday October 4, 4-6 pm in the small science auditorium on campus.  All members of the community are welcome.  Pizza and refreshments will be served! 


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