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Your raises, parking meetings and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues,

We hope you will soon get a restful break.  In the meantime, please join us next week to discuss the parking fee structure. 

Parking Bargaining Meetings: 

Tuesday, November 27, 2 pm ISC, 3rd floor, Room 3300

Wednesday, November 28, 2:45 pm Wheatley, 1st floor, Room 55

(Contact the FSU for Zoom Information for these meetings).  

Funding Our Future!


Dear Colleague,

We want to let you know about the following event.

When: This Monday, November 19th

Where: 12:00 – 1:00 in Campus Center Ballroom C

Pizza will be served; Bring your own beverage.


Urgent Organizing Meeting TOMORROW: Help the FSU Push Back on Parking Fees!


Dear Colleague,

The FSU’s parking organizing will continue by meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 14 from 12-1:30 pm in Wheatley, 5th floor, room 41. 


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