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FSU Executive Committee Statement on Parking


Dear Colleague,

We would like to inform you that the FSU Executive Committee has formally approved the following statement:

The FSU Executive Committee is committed to the FSU bargaining team arriving at one unified parking agreement with the CSU, PSU, and students. The FSU Executive Committee also pledges that the FSU Executive Committee, bargaining team, and members will actively participate in a campaign to reach an agreement that is beneficial to all the unions and students.

Bargaining (except parking) concluded; stay tuned for ratification


Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that bargaining for your 2017-20 contract has concluded, after almost 1.5 years of bargaining, with the exception of parking.  Your contract has many benefits, including:

Contact State Reps to Support Pending Budget Amendments for UMB


Dear Colleague,

Our collective action is needed to assure passage of two State Budget Amendments to support UMB!

The State House Conference Committee is still debating next year's budget. They need to hear from us so that they include our two amendments, which ensure funding for all UMB Centers & Institutes, and create a special commission to review and address UMass Boston's legacy debt. These are key pieces of the Senate budget that we want included in the final budget that is sent to Governor Baker. More information on these are attached. 

Action needed to get UMB bills passed, Chancellor search info, and a Mt. Ida update


Dear Colleague,

We hope you will attend the Senate Oversight Committee meeting about the Mount Ida purchase at the State House today, from 12 to 3 pm in the Gardner Auditorium.  If you cannot attend, please send your thoughts to the State Senator:  There are various proposals to help UMB.  Please call your State Senator this week: 

Mount Ida—send emails today and come tomorrow at noon to the State House


Dear Colleagues,

Much has occurred around the Mount Ida acquisition.   The UMass Amherst Chancellor, Kumble R. Subbaswamy, informed the legislature that Amherst plans to offer certificate and graduate programs in nursing, business, computer science, and engineering at the Mt Ida Campus of UMass Amherst.  (See his letter here)


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