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Climate Strike This Friday and Other Activities


Dear Colleague,

Initiated by 16-year-old Greta Thunberg of Sweden, there are many activities around the climate strike this Friday—starting today.  Please join in if you can:

Welcome Back from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to campus for those of you who are returning.  For those of you who are new, welcome to UMass Boston. We wish you a rewarding semester ahead. As you can see, we have been busy: 

Reject the PFML notice


Dear Colleague,

Call Meehan’s office for UMB debt relief today


Dear Colleague,

The State of Massachusetts has a $1 billion surplus and is taking one-time proposals.  Tell UMass to submit a proposal to relieve UMB of debt. 

Once you have called, please send an email to let us know that you called. You can also let us know if you got to talk to his staff or just left a message.

Call the UMass President’s Office at 617-287-7050. 

Sample script:


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