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TODAY – FSU - Join Car Caravan Protest


Dear FSU Members, 

JOIN THE CARAVAN: Wednesday, June 17th @ 11 am! 

Be part of a state-wide action to send a message to Marty Meehan and the UMass Board of Trustees: Save, Protect and Fund UMass students and workers!


Drivers will gather at the Boston Teachers Union parking lot (180 Mt Vernon St.) at 11 am, and walkers will gather at 1 Beacon St. in Boston at 11:30 am.  [MORE INFO BELOW]

Racial Justice Issue – Milton Public Schools


Dear FSU Members,

Below is a letter from UMB Professor Reyes Coll-Tellechea regarding an important issue that many of you may have seen in the Boston Globe.  She is looking for signatures/support and we thought this might interest many of you.


Colleague, below is a letter addressed to Milton Public Schools Board for your review and consideration

The Point: Whose Campus?


Greetings, Colleagues.


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