Dear Colleagues,
We hope you are well and can come to the FSU meeting on the budget cuts and an update on bargaining on Wednesday, October 12, Campus Center 2540, 11-1. Let us know if you will be attending so we can order the right amount of food.
In addition, please note the following activities:
Come to the UMass Board of Trustees meeting TOMORROW-- Wednesday, Sept 20 (10 -11 am at 1 Beacon St., 32nd floor, Boston) to support union leaders (including FSU President Marlene Kim) as they address the Board regarding the budget cuts on campus.
Retirement Counseling is available to FSU members: see here for more information.
FSU Pre-Tenure Faculty Meeting: Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017, 11-12, Campus Center, 2nd floor, room 2540. Meet fellow pre-tenure faculty, share concerns and issues, and learn about bargaining issues specific to pre-tenure faculty. FSU president, Marlene Kim, and Sofya Aptekar and Jason Rodriquez (pre-tenure track FSU Executive Committee representatives), will listen to your concerns and answer questions.
DPC/CPC Chairs training: is on Thursday, October 5th at 2:30 pm in the Chancellor’s Conference room, Quinn, 3rd floor. Co-sponsored by the Office for Faculty Development and the FSU, this is designed to aid DPC and CPC Chairs and inform faculty of their rights and responsibilities in promotion and review.
’Crumbling Public Foundations’ report: was endorsed by the FSU Executive Committee. The full report is here.
The union is only as strong as members are involved. Let us know if you want to be involved in the union, serve on our membership drive, a committee, or help with any of these issues. If you have not yet joined as a full member we urge you to do so now! (contact the FSU office for membership materials).
Marlene Kim
FSU President
Professor, Economics
For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage.
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Follow us on Twitter at @FSU_UMB