Dear FSU members,
We are pleased to inform you that your August 5, 2022, paycheck includes a refund of the dues deduction taken in error on July 22, 2022 (this applies to dues paying FSU members only). You should see a negative number for your Boston MSP Dues in the After Tax Deductions box, located in the middle of your pay advice.
Dues deductions occur over ten months, September to June. We worked with both UMB and UMass System personnel to correct the error and to make sure appropriate systems are coded for ten deductions.
An ask – please call your local state legislator (https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator)
There are two MTA locals that have contracts that still haven’t been funded—CSU Boston and MSP Amherst. Their contracts were included in the Economic Development Bill which everyone thought was going to pass by the end of the session (July 31st) but is now stalled and it doesn’t look like it will be moving. We’re asking you to call your legislators and ask them to take action to get these contracts funded asap. CSU members help keep UMB running.
Below is a script to use
Section 156 of the Senate’s version of the Economic Development Bill (S.3030) includes language needed to validate several collective bargaining agreements under Chapter 150E and the only difference between this section and Section 145 of the House’s version of the bill (H.5034) is the inclusion of some additional agreements that had not been completed when the House passed its version of the bill.
As you know, the conference report for the Economic Development Bill has been delayed and it is unclear when or if it will move, so I am asking for your help to move the language in Senate Section 156 as a standalone bill, or if needed as part of another bill that is moving to the Governor’s desk.
It is unfair to ask the public employees impacted by these collective bargaining agreements to wait any longer and I request that you support immediate action on this matter.
Caroline Coscia Jeff Melnick
FSU President FSU Vice President
Senior Lecturer II Professor
Political Science American Studies
For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage