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Nuts & Bolts: 8 Minutes of action for 8%, raise update, additional students and NTT additional work


Dear Members, 



Mark your calendar for Thursday, November 30th at noon!!  Join fellow UMB union members in a campus 8 minutes for 8% action. 

Let’s show our administration how collective action works.  Our campus action is one piece of an MTA multiprong approach to continue to put pressure on the legislature to fund our raises. 

Details will be sent Tuesday (even unions leaders took some time off over the holiday break). 


In our November 20th Nuts & Bolts we asked you to contact your legislators, we know you did reach out to tell your legislator to vote on our raises. Thank you.  We heard from many that your legislator is supportive, yet they say they are unable to act as the inertia lies at leadership and two committee chairs.  MTA, NAGE, SEIU and AFL-CIO government relations staff are working hard to get the bill to a vote. 

Keeping the pressure on!

Flood legislator’s social media! Tell them the holiday season will be hard for tens of thousands of state workers who are struggling without their bargained wage increase.   Use this Social Media Tool to tag the House and Senate leadership in social media posts this week.

November 20th State House Rally

Thank you to Jessica Holden, Librarian who went to the rally and provided this photograph

Mark Your Calendar: International Faculty Gathering, December 6th 9AM, ISC 1-1400

Join with other international faculty to mingle and discuss issues of concerns.  

Contract:  Additional Students above Course Capacities

For both in-person and distance learning courses, once course capacities are reached, only the individual faculty member may admit additional students (see Article 15.4 of the contract for more information). Faculty members have full discretion in this regard with the exception of the multi-section courses referenced in 15.4.

Contract: NTTs (Lecturers and above) and Additional Work

Departments are required to first offer any additional work that may become available to qualified part-time Lecturers within that department before that work can be offered outside of the bargaining unit (this includes Navitas, Shorelight, as well as CAPS courses, though the process for assigning courses in CAPS will be done according to a separate priority system; see below for more information). Additional work will be offered according to departmental seniority. Please notify the FSU if such additional work has not been first offered to qualified part-time members of the department.

NOTE: There are limited circumstances in which departments may offer additional work to new NTT hires before offering the work to current part-time unit members. See Article 21.3 for further details.

Contract: Tuition Credits

Bargaining unit members who are 50% or more, as well as their spouses and dependents, are eligible for tuition credits. The credits vary and depend on several factors, including whether or not the courses are Continuing Ed, graduate versus undergraduate, years of service of the faculty member in question, etc. The percentage of the credit granted and who is eligible for the credit can be seen in Article 27.10 and 27.11 of the contract (for total tuition dollar amounts contact each campuses Bursar’s Office).

MTA Membership Benefit: 2023-2024 Giveaways

MTA members are eligible to enter contests for free giveaways.  The December 4th to 11th giveaway is a $150 Apple gift card.  Two winners will be drawn on December 12th from entries received. You cannot win unless you enter.  To enter and for more information go to


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department    





