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Political Action

Monday is lobby day for higher education and take the parking survey now


Dear Colleagues:

We hope your semester is going well.  Here’s the latest news:  

Public Higher Education Lobby Day:  Monday, March 5th, 10-2 pm, State House (actual lobbying is 11:30 to 1).  This is the day we turn out to ask state legislators for more money for higher education and for other higher education student needs (see link here for more information). 

Monday Day of Action, No Health Care Cost Increases On Average And Other News From The FSU


Dear Colleagues:

We hope your semester is going well.  Here’s the latest news:  

Parking petition, bargaining update and other news from the FSU


Dear Colleagues:

A lot has been going on. 

► Parking fee increase:  We will be sending you a survey soon for your thoughts on this.  Thanks to many of you for your thoughts already.  In the meantime, for those of you opposing the parking fee increase, please sign and circulate this petition here:

Proposed parking fee increase and your health care benefits


Dear Colleagues:

A lot is going on.  This is the latest—please come to one of the events next week, summarized here.  

Your health care benefits just changed—Take Action!


Dear Colleagues:

Welcome Back!  I will update you with more information later.  Right now we need to inform you about two important issues: 

► Last Thursday, the Group Insurance Commission (GIC) which governs your health care benefits, voted to reduce the health care plans they will offer you (for more information, see here):  


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