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Inside UMB-FSU

Summer Session Registration Deadlines - UPDATE


Dear Members,

The FSU reached out to Provost Berger regarding summer session course registrations specifically the May 10th deadline for summer session one. We are concerned that the early deadline harms students who may not be focused on summer classes while completing Spring 24 class work.  

We know this is extra work for you and we oppose the administration's decision to close summer registration so early this year. 

The below is the response received from Joe Berger. 


Nuts & Bolts: FMLA outsourcing, transportation survey, period of non-responsibility, FSU June to August, FSU Executive Committee and MTA Summer Conference


Dear Members,

This week is why we do what we do.  Commencement week is exciting.  Our students are amazing – they work many hours off campus, commute (this year with multiple T closures), and participate in student organizations. Watching the number of students who rise when the Chancellor asks ‘who are the first in their family to graduate from college’ is heartwarming.

You might be tired from and still grading final papers and exams; but remember you have set your students forward on a path of success.

Nuts & Bolts: parking survey, outsourcing of FMLA, take action to stop FMLA outsourcing, semester parking passes and NEA student loan refinancing


Dear Members,

As I write this out of the corner of my eye I see them.  The pile is calling for me to open them.  I move the pile across the room but still they demand attention. They are of course a pile of blue books.  I wondered when we began using blue books.  A google search indicates Butler University first used them in the 1920s.  Butler’s school colors are blue and white.

Thank you for attending our end of semester gatherings!

The FSU condemns use of force against peaceful protestors at UMass Amherst


Faculty Staff Union Executive Committee statement

Support FSU at Faculty Council Meeting Today


Dear Members,

Please support the FSU by attending the last regular Faculty Council meeting of the year today at 1:00PM (contact FSU for Zoom and room location information).


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