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Inside UMB-FSU

Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, space use policy, retirement assistance, international faculty, and MTA benefits


FSU Calendar November 4th to November 8th

Tuesday, November 5th 11:45- 1:30PM for Java with Joe

Stop by the University Dining Club for some coffee, tea, cookies and converse with Provost Joe Berger.  Joe will be joining to answer questions. 

Dear Members, 

FSU Executive Committee Statement of Protest Regarding Administration Actions and Space Policy


FSU Executive Committee Statement of Protest Regarding Administration Actions and Space Policy

The Point: Admin’s Grad Assistantship Reallocation Plan is Bad Policy


This week’s Point is written by Alex Mueller, Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of English.   The essay below addresses the Administration’s new policy for allocating Graduate Student Assistantships which creates an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy, ignores shared governance, and will be actively harmful to many graduate students and many graduate programs. The accompanying attachment is a “Resolution on Graduate Assistantship Allocation Policies” that will be considered at Faculty Council meeting on November 4th.

Nuts & Bolts: Upcoming events, NTTs with 50% or greater continuing appointments, academic freedom webinar, sabbaticals, and MTA benefits


FSU Calendar October 28th to November 1st

Monday, October 28th 5:00-6:00PM Yes on 2 Savin Hill Canvassing

Join with Yes on 2 supporters to canvas our neighbors.  See attached flyer for details.

Wednesday, October 30th 11:45- 1:30PM   Coffee, Tea and Yes on 2 

The Point: Learn from Activists of the Past Through the UMass Boston Archives


This week’s Point was written by FSU (librarian) members Jessica Holden, Associate Archivist for Research Services, and Andrew Elder, University Archivist and Curator of Special Collections.  

Learn from Activists of the Past through the UMass Boston Archives


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