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Inside UMB-FSU

FSU Executive Committee Meeting TODAY Tues, 2/27 4:05 -5


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Executive Committee meeting is meeting TODAY Tuesday, February 27th, 3:30-5PM. Please note that the Executive Committee will be in executive session until 4:05 to discuss confidential grievance matters. Members will be able to attend the open portion of the meeting starting at 4:05.

The meeting today will be via Zoom   (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information).

Nomination Period for FSU Spring 2024 Elections- DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL 8AM, FRIDAY 3/1/24


Dear Colleagues, 

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  

The positions up for election or re-election in Spring 2024 include: 


Non-Tenure Track (2 positions)


Pre-Tenure (1 position)

Tenured (2 positions)

FSU Nuts & Bolts: FSU Annual Meeting, Medical Leave Vendor, Anti Racism Grants, Computer Replacement Program and MTA Benefits Webinar


Dear Members,

The tips of my daffodils are appearing yet as a true new Englander, I know old man winter is not done with us yet. This week do enjoy the warm weather.  Hang out on the plaza and watch as people shimmy their way around the ‘do not enter’ fencing as they take a shortcut to the new parking lot. It is so nice to leave campus around 5PM and still see the sun.  

FSU Annual Meeting, April 23rd

Mark your calendar!   The FSU Annual Meeting is Tuesday, April 23rd 3:00 – 5:00PM. 

FSU co-sponsored event on Dependent Visa Programs, March 8, 12-3 pm


Dear Member,

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, The Faculty Staff Union, Department of Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, Women’s Center and Department of Asian Studies invite you a lunchtime talk on The Opportunity Trap: High-Skilled Workers, Indian Families, and the Failures of the Dependent Visa Program.   


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