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Inside UMB-FSU

Nomination Period for FSU Spring 2024 Elections


Dear Colleagues, 

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  

The positions up for election or re-election in Spring 2024 include: 


Non-Tenure Track (2 positions)


Pre-Tenure (1 position)

Tenured (2 positions)

Nuts & Bolts: Grievance Committee Update


Dear Colleague,

The Point: The Other Side of the Tracks


Today’s Point was written by Professor Joseph Ramsey, Senior Lecturer, English and American Studies.

Nuts & Bolts: Raises, Elections, Bargaining Survey, Social Security work and parents’ group


Dear Members, 

July 1, 2023, Pay Raise

We are happy to say our December 22, 2023, paycheck will include your July 1, 2023, 4% raise plus the retroactive pay from July 1st.  To receive the July 1st, raise, you needed to have been on payroll on June 30, 2023.  The ranks for Lecturer and above are eligible for the pay raise.   

FSU Annual Elections, Spring 2024

The Elections Committee will be sending information including a timeline.  Watch for an email for the Elections Committee email.

The Point: Dark Money


Today’s Point was written by Maurice T. Cunningham who retired in 2021 as an associate professor in the Department of Political Science.

When I finished my book Dark Money and the Politics of School Privatization in 2021, I figured I had a pretty good handle on the billionaire funded attacks on public education. But then I learned much more about their efforts and the importance of unions while helping to defend a UMass Boston colleague from a right-wing attack.


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