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FSU Elections - Voting Update


Dear FSU members,

Our elections are down to the home stretch.  Voting begins at 9AM Friday March 1stand runs to 9AM Friday, March 8th.

FSU Executive Committee Elections- Meet the Candidates Wed 2/27/19, 3-4 in W/4/0138


Dear FSU Member,

Meet the candidates for the Faculty Staff Union (FSU) Executive Committee (a candidate slate, along with candidate statements, is attached):

Wednesday, February 27, 2018

3:00PM – 4:00PM

Wheatley, 4th Floor, Classroom 0138

Elected positions include: Vice President, Tenured, Pre-Tenure, and Non-Tenure Track representatives.

Member voting is March 1st to 8th.

Nominations for FSU elections due tomorrow at 5


Dear Members,

The Faculty Staff Union (FSU) holds an election every Spring semester for positions on the FSU Executive Committee.  The deadline for nomination is 5pm tomorrow (Friday), February 8.

The positions up for election or re-election include:


Pre-tenure (1 position),

Tenured (2 positions),

Non-Tenure track (2 positions). 

Welcome back!


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back to the spring semester.  For those of you just joining us, welcome to UMass Boston! 

Here are some updates and reminders:

► FSU internal organizer for this semester.  Sandra (Sandy) Howland, FSU member and union activist, (Senior Lecturer II, English), will be an FSU internal organizer this semester. Sandy will be working with the FSU to discuss with members their concerns and issues on campus and to increase membership involvement. 


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