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You just got a whopping 0.5% salary increase--make sure it is higher by taking action

UMass has agreed to pay us our raises starting May 3, 2015.  Because this includes only 2 out of 12 months you should have had an increased paycheck, rather than receiving up to a 3.5% salary increase this year, you will be receiving a whopping 0.4-0.6% increase.  

Tell UMass What You Think of Receiving a 0.5% rather than a 3.5% Raise This Year
Wednesday, April 15, 12:15 pm
225 Franklin Street at UMass President Caret’s Office in Boston
(or meet at 11:30 at the CC-UL Lobby near the buses to go there together as a group by the T).  
RSVP to if you can
UMass President Robert Caret is claiming that the legislature needed to give us “additional, complete, and identifiable funding” in order to receive our entire raises.  Since he claims that only $2.2 million was “identifiable,” he says he can only pay us for 2 out of 12 months.
Both Governor Patrick and Baker stated that there was enough money given to the university to pay our raises.  The university received an 8% increase in funding for this academic year—plenty for our raises.  Rather than pay us our raises, however, the university spent this money elsewhere.  
Caret says he is $11 million short to pay for the additional 10 months of our raises because the Governor’s budgets had no “identifiable funding” for us, and he refuses to use any of the money that the Governors gave to him for this purpose.    
On Wednesday, tell Caret he needs to fully fund the raises we deserve.  
From the FSU