Dear FSU Member,
We wish to provide you with information regarding salary anomalies. For starters, we encourage members to read Article 26.9 of the contract. This clause outlines the basic elements of salary anomalies and the salary anomaly process (definitions, eligibility, etc.) Some key items to note:
- There is a pool of $60K per year allocated to addressing salary anomalies.
- Only tenure track faculty and librarians are eligible (see amended eligibility below per the new 20-23 contract).
- All tenure track faculty and librarians will have their salaries reviewed following the year in which they undergo a major personnel review (for TT: 4th year review, tenure, promotion to Professor, PMYR).
- The University Anomaly Committee (UAC), which is comprised of FSU and Admin members, determines the specific criteria for allocating funds to address anomalies but follows the following general criteria: anomalies will be considered within fields rather than between fields and anomalies will be considered AFTER stipends are removed from the salary.
- The UAC recommends anomaly adjustments to the Provost who ultimately approves them.
Information not listed in the 17-20 version of 26.9 but worth noting:
- The UAC is working through previous years’ anomalies. This year, the committee will review two years of data to account for some previous delays.
- The FSU members to the committee- Jay Dee, Professor, Leadership in Education, and Vivian Ciaramitaro, Associate Professor, Psychology- have provided a report with further information detailing their work on this committee (see attached).
- Clinical Nursing Professors on the Scholarship of Practice Track (all ranks) will be eligible for anomaly adjustments once the recently ratified 20-23 contract is implemented.
If you have any questions on this report or the salary anomaly process in general please contact the FSU (we ask that you not contact UAC members directly).
Finally, I wish to thank Jay and Vivian for all of their hard work on behalf of FSU members.
Steve Striffler
FSU President
For information on the FSU, links to our contract and bargaining updates, and a calendar of events, see the FSU webpage