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Nuts & Bolts: Raccoon Sightings in McCormack, Special Election, Title IX, Space Use, Coffee & Tea, and MTA News


Dear Members,

Many of us have already held at least one session of our classes. To those who meet on Monday only, enjoy meeting your students tonight.   

The first Nuts & Bolts includes a variety of items from racoons in McCormack Hall, a special election, FSU activities and the benefits of your MTA membership.

Raccoon Sightings in McCormack

Last Thursday, members reached out to us about sightings of racoons in McCormack Hall.  Raccoons were seen on both the second and fourth floors.

The FSU immediately contacted Facilities, Environmental Safety and the Chancellor’s Office seeking clarification on what actions are being taken and what members should do if they see or hear a raccoon. Michael Kearns, Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities, informed us that a pest management company is setting traps and relocating any trapped raccoon(s) away from (hopefully far) UMB.

What should you do? If you see a racoon, do not go near it, and immediately call both UMB Public Safety at 617-287-7777 (using a campus phone 7-7777) and Facilities at 617-287-5450 (using a campus phone 7-5450). Please be specific in communicating the racoon’s location.

If you believe you are hearing a racoon, please call facilities and public safety and include a cc to FSU.

Please also write to FSU if this is affecting working conditions or causing you concern over health and wellbeing.

Special Election: TT and NTT representatives to the FSU Executive Committee

The FSU Executive Committee is comprised of representatives from four constituencies – tenured, pre-tenured, librarians and non-tenure track faculty. We have an opening for one (1) tenured representative and one (1) non-tenure track representative.

To fill these positions, we will be holding a special election. The election timeline is being finalized and will be announced In a few days. We expect nominations to open shortly after the announcement with voting approximately four weeks later.

If you are interested in or have any questions about what serving on the FSU Executive Committee entails, please contact us or speak to one of your representatives. FSU service is university service.

Title IX: Update

You may be aware that the Biden administration published new regulations for Title IX that were originally expected to take effect August 1st. UMB administration sent notice to the campus community about these changes. The FSU submitted a demand to bargain over the impacts of these changes, as is our right. However, prior to the effective date of these changes, an injunction was issued which included several states and specific campuses.

The University of Massachusetts, Boston was included on that list. As such, the FSU notified our members of this injunction. It has come to our attention that despite the injunction, the administration has decided to move forward with these changes without having bargained these with the union and that a number of faculty have been told to publish a notice in their syllabus about their role as a mandatory reporter (or “responsible employee”).

Please know that the union recommends that employees comply with any explicit directive received from the institution in order to protect oneself from potential disciplinary actions, but that we are working to address the unilateral implementation of these new regulations and pushing for our union rights to bargain. We will keep the campus community informed of any developments as the situation unfolds.

Space Use and Reservation Policy

Yes, we are aware of the amended policy. We will provide information on FSU’s position and actions shortly.

Weekly FSU Coffee Breaks

FSU is sponsoring a coffee and tea station in University Dining Club once each week this semester. Bring your lunch, catch up with colleagues, and learn about all your union does.

Join us: 12:00-1:30 pm on Wednesday Sept 18, Tuesday Sept 24, Wednesday October 2, Wednesday October 16, Tuesday October 22, Wednesday October 30, Tuesday November 5, Wednesday Nov 13.

Annual Faculty Review: Reminder

The due date is Monday, September 16th. Librarians annual report is due September 10th.

Upcoming events:  Academic Freedom and Protection webinar

The FSU and members of MTA will be presenting a webinar on Academic Freedom and Protection to inform members of what is academic freedom and your protections. Watch this space for details.

MTA: Legislative Agenda

The MTA is seeking input on the 2025-2026 legislative agenda. Details are attached.

MTA benefits

Dues paying members are eligible for a variety of discounts through MTA Benefits. Check out the current $1000 VISA gift card giveaway. You have until September14th to enter the drawing.

Boston History: 50th anniversary of school busing

September 12, 1974, began court ordered desegregation in Boston public school. This year marks fifty years since Judge Garrity’s court decision. The Boston Desegregation and Busing Initiative is holding forums to examine the past and how to chart a path forward.   The first is September 14th and is a walking tour.

School buses gathered at the Bay Side expo site and in tandem and with state police escorts, drove to South Boston High School.


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department