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Nuts & Bolts: A Cease and Desist, Coffee & Tea, Special Election, Anti Racism Grants, Racoons and MTA News and Benefits


Dear Members,

As we enter our third week of classes, it is nice to have summer-like weather in September.   Makes you want to be outside on the plaza and the green space.

Space Use and Reservation Policy: Cease and Desist

In last week’s Nuts & Bolts we indicated the FSU was aware of the policy change. At that time, we were finalizing language for a cease-and-desist order.  On September 10th we filed a cease and desist (attached) with the Chancellor. 

Dear Chancellor Suárez-Orozco,

It has come to the attention of the Faculty Staff Union at UMB that recent changes to the Space Use & Reservation Policies were recently made. Such a change is an intrusion on our labor-management relationship and the union is demanding that the University meet to bargain over the changes to this policy. To that end, please see the attached Cease & Desist letter.

We are also requesting a copy of the new policy that tracks the recent changes that have been made.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Join the FSU for coffee and tea!  Wednesday, September 18th 12:00-1:30PM

FSU is sponsoring a coffee and tea station in the University Dining Club, Campus Center, 2nd floor. Bring your lunch, catch up with colleagues, and learn about all your union does.

Special Election: Nominations open to September 23rd

We are holding a special election to fill one Tenured Track and one Non-Tenure Track representative positions.   Details are included in the September 13th email from the FSU Elections Committee.

Anti-Racism Grants: Update

Beginning with our 2020-2023 contract, we added Article 26.6.1.a.2 of which the FSU and UMB administration, the university agreed to establish a “$25,000 pool of funding in each year [of the contract that] shall be allocated to and distributed by the Provost’s office in consultation with the FSU to support anti-racism activities for faculty and librarians.”    Our 2023-2024 agreement raised the amount to $45,000.       

We had high hopes that collective bargaining would take place in the spring semester as one of our proposals is to increase the amount of these funds.  Well, as you know, bargaining has not moved along so the pool of funding remains at $45,000.

We encourage faculty/librarians to think about anti-racism initiatives in broad and innovative ways – with the idea that proposed events, trainings, education, talks, research, etc. will take place throughout the next academic year but must be completed (and money spent) by June 30th, 2025.  

We are finalizing the timeline including the submission date and application. Watch this space for details.

Raccoons Sightings: What to do

Please do continue to inform Facilities and Public Safety if you see a raccoon.   The pest control company vendor needs to know of any sightings and the locations.

If you see a racoon, immediately call both UMB Public Safety at 617-287-7777 (using a campus phone 7-7777) and Facilities at 617-287-5450 (using a campus phone 7-5450).   If you believe you are hearing a racoon, please call facilities and public safety.

Annual Faculty Review: Due TODAY September 16th

The AFR due date is Monday, September 16th.  

MTA: Union News emails

Watch for MTA emails with updates on MTA activities and what is happening across all locals.  (The latest email was on September 10th).  

The Yes on 2 campaign is gearing up.  The ballot question removes the MCAS as a graduation requirement.  For more information and to get involved, go to

MTA benefits: Boch Center Events and Boston Bruins Games

Your MTA membership includes a variety of discounts. Check out  , log in and see the variety of seasonal discounts including the Boch Center (incudes Wang Center, Castle at Park Plaza and the Shubert Theater) and certain Boston Bruins games.  


Caroline Coscia                                 

FSU President                                   

Senior Lecturer II                               

Political Science Department